Wednesday 17 July 2013

Something of everything

I had a good morning this morning. I went out with some British students who are doing a two week stint in "Africa". They basically just doing charity work and seeing how we do things. One of the projects they are doing is putting up a fence in a rural township. This fence is for a pre-primary school that was damaged from rain. Now when we think school we think big buildings, apples on desks, pesky teachers and sports grounds. Sadly not in this case. This is a prefab box no bigger than a shipping container. The "box" is in a families yard. Now that it has been destroyed another lady in the community has stepped in and has donated land in her own yard for the new school building. The only problem is there is no fence to keep the kids in. That's where we stepped in.
It was really nice to get out and watch people do good. There where 16 students half male half female. It was so cool to watch the enthusiasm knowing they where doing good clearing a fence line, but not knowing how to use a spade. Felt good to pass on some of the knowledge of the Snowbeast.

Back to the fitness regime. 

On Monday I went to Hiltons place for some boxing. We didn't get to klap each other but hit bags instead.
I always thought if push comes to shove i could teach that laaitie a lesson, but after seeing him smash a bag I'm glad he's my brother. He's a forced ally. Sneaky. It looks pretty easy. Just smash the bag and go mental. Unfortunately not. Not only do you punch a bag, you have to focus on form as if you hit wrong say cheers to your wrist.
Being a warrior I thought I had this but it is a crazy intensity work out. 
I felt really good the next morning and realised I am lucky the Hunger Games hasn't started yet. As muck as I think I am a warrior, I'm really ill prepared. All I have is a fast exit bag and a couple dirty mags. I'm more like a dooms day prepper minus the cases of baked beans, Why they choose beans I don't know. Living in a bunker you better not light a match or I can guarantee you'll all be crisper than a piece of bacon in a second.

Now my workouts are as distracted as my blog posts. I just realised I went from boxing to farting in a confined area in a couple of lines. I need help.

On the other hand Poodle reckons I'm the bomb. She crawled up to me in bed this morning and I put my hand down to scratch her. I felt a knot on her shoulder so I massaged it. She stood up and sat next to me as if to say, "carry on, What you looking at fatty". I started to massage again and she suddenly lost control of herself and was leaning into it to the extent I had to support her head as it was dropping all over the place.
When I was done she happily followed me around like best mates and even showed emotion as I left for work. MAN UP POODLE! Shit man, I can't go charging into the Hunger Games with a doting Poodle charging after me. Stick to the plan, you there to lure Bow and Arrow Chick into striking distance of the elusive Snowbeast then you free to go. Find a home in the wild and hunt in packs, although any animal will buckle over laughing if they saw a pack of Toy Poodles running at them. Be like being attacked in Toys R Us by the Teddies.

Hope you all have a lekker week.

Dads blog will be updated today (
I also wrote an article on where to start in the art of cocktail making for

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