Monday 12 November 2012

In the beginning towards the end.

Yoh, I started this blog in 2009 intending on documenting my road to glory and here I am, November 2012, a month before the end of the world making a last ditch effort to get fit.

Really, I've procrastinated for three years so why am I starting to get fit a month before I am floored by a massive comet NASA has secretly known about for decades. I have no answer to that question, maybe its natural selection and all us Alpha males are getting the secret vibes that the world is going "Hunger Games" on us. Getting us chosen ones ready to rock or is it because I'm over this stomach getting in the way, I dunno but I feel the calling.

4.35am My House.

Girlfriends alarm goes off, poodle shits its self and goes into attack mode on my feet, the circus has woken up.
I must be sleep walking again, my eye lids feel super glued together and in the distance I hear Sadie's voice, "Babe, you need to get up, you going running" 
The Hunger Games goes through my mind, no ways I'm letting a chick with bow and arrow skills whip my ass, I'm to manly for that.

Managed to get dressed and out the house with no hassle except the bloody Toy Poodle biting at my feet.

Out on the open road, gave it a good hard effort for the first couple of hundred meters and was so suprised that I was coping, once my legs where warmish I tried a little jog - GREAT SUCCESS, I CAN DO IT- admittedly my knees screamed for mercy as 95kg's came crashing down on them in every step but pain is temporary and Hunger Games glory is forever!

3.1km's done, 28 minutes - Fantastic.

Poodle was waiting for me at the gate yapping as if to say too slow boet, whatever Poodle, one month and it's Hunger Games time.


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