Monday 25 March 2013

A bit of culture

Friday Sadie and I went to watch Epworth's Play called a Seusicle (I don't think i spelled that right. Dr Seuss and musical combined).
Not a major fan of school plays, I see me going to one as community service. It's usually filled with kids who think they are funny and God's gift to the acting world. Their voices are soft and scratchy. I'd rather sit at home, put the DSTV music channel on and crack open a bottle of wine. BUT NOT THIS PLAY. This has to be the best High School Musical I've seen. The actresses where amazing and their voices blew me away. Enough of this warriors softer side, I should rather be instilling fear into any opponent who is worthy enough to face me. (But seriously, if its still on go watch it).

Saturday I planned to sleep in and laze around. 06:15 I was wide awake. Decided to go for a walk and ended up spending an hour being dragged by the two dogs through the Cascades forests. Battered and bruised we got showered and headed to the mall to get a present for Candice and Row's wedding. Geez do I hate that place! I like going to the mall with my Dad, we have a shopping list, we walk fast and we get out of there, done.
Saturday we had no list so we had to look around. I can handle male shoppers, they just walk but females are the worst! They walk slowly in front of you then come to a dead stop blocking the aisle and then stare thoughtfully at an item with their finger on their mouth thinking. What they think about I don't know. Probably "oooh, Shiny. I don't have a use for one of those but I'm sure if I buy this I will find a use for it. Mmmmmmm, I wonder how much is left in my budget for useless crap I'll never use but is fun to buy. Should I come back?........". Now the whole time this life changing debate is happening, I'm standing behind her trying to walk around or at least make myself known. Sadie sees my brain slip into neutral and grabs my arm and pulls me around into the next aisle and carries on to our destination.
3 Hours later I've deemed all the smart collared shirts in the mall crap or too expensive and refuse to buy any, I have one at home.
We arrive home and from all the weight I lost the shirts too small, eff. Sadie says nothing but the glint in her eyes gives her away. Behind closed doors she is doing a victory dance.

Off to the wedding we go.

The venue was awesome, really looked cool. Cands and Rowan looked flippen smart.
Halfway through blessing of the rings I get the sudden urge to watch Lord of the Rings when I get home. I tell Sadie and get a massive smash in the ribs. I must behave.

Lets be honest, men view weddings in 3 major catagories, Starters, Mains and Dessert. Man this was a win on all fronts!
Once the food was down, the dances where done and the speeches were said it was party time! Open bar, yip, free booze. Sucks when you are the driver, but boy did I have a jol. I was even brave enough to sokkie with Sadie. I like to think of it as windsurfing and I suck at it. The basics are pretty easy. Hold each other and move with confidence trying not to bump into anybody. Like dodgem cars to music. Sounds easy but my two left feet kept standing on Sadies poor toes. I soon learned to slide on the fronts of my shoes, great success, Sadies toes are going to survive. The only problem I encountered after that was Sadie kept doing tricks and mind reading which came next and how to handle them is a bit taxing on a small primitive alpha male's brain thats trained to eat, sleep and ......... kill? 
After the whole windsurfing scene I grabbed a coke and came back to the DJ playing gangnam style. One of the Grannies had clenched fists in the air and was going at it. Goooing mealies properly. This old lady was putting all the young guns to shame. Made my evening knowing you can get old and still party like a rock star.
End of the day a flippen awesome wedding. 

So this post took a while to write. Hopefully the 12hour MTB relay report will be up shortly.

Cheers :)

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