Friday 8 March 2013

They say its good to me different. Sadie didn't enjoy it one bit.
We went to a Mexican themed 31st up in Hilton and when I phoned birthday boy Dave he told me not only what food to bring, but to dress up.
Stress levels hit the roof, it's not like we keep a spare Mexican in the closet to steal his clothes in case of an emergency.
Anyways, Sombrero donned and fake mustache tickling my nose off we went.

On arrival we where the only Mexicans there. Nobody dressed up! Geez did I get the hairy eyeball from Sades. After a while we just got used to it and enjoyed a good night with good friends.

On my quest to be the Alpha male we went to a Steve Hofmeyr concert. 
Arriving I decided to go under cover as I only speak two languages. English and crap. 
The Indian Barman flushed with excitement when I placed my order in English. I wasn't too excited. Stuck between two very large men in checked shirts and chinos with absolutely no way of verbally communicating is a scary predicament to be in. 

The concert was actually not too bad. It was a bit like dubstep, sounds pretty cool but you have no idea what it's about.

Right at the end Steve asked who here is English and doesn't understand him. Getting her own back Sades lifts her hands to get his attention and points me out. Oh shit, what to do, what to do? Steve "kaks" me out and instructs Sades to teach me to speak Afrikaans quickly. I'm less worried about the guitar playing, pretty boy bards' "uit kakking" compared to the growing interest the audience is now paying me. 
Surprisingly I didn't catch a Brandy bottle on the back of the head. I was almost welcomed into the warm arms of the Boere community. They very friendly people. So I've decided not only am I going to be a Weapon of mass distraction, I'm also going to learn Afrikaans and release my inner Boer.

On the exercise front I have been attending rugby practice once a week. I still come home and flop on the couch and lick my own wounds. After kicking the Poodle off the couch she has no sympathy. She chooses to ignore me.
I got her the other day. I pretended to want to pat her and as she came close I pulled her into a squeeze into my sweaty shirt and held the fluffy rat there. I thought I was very funny until Sadie came home late from work. She walked into her room and it smelt like the whole rugby squad had walked through. My clothes where in the basket and I was nicely showered smelling of Radox. The search for the smell began. I proudly pointed to my kit in the basket and boots in the spare room under my desk. Smugly I claimed the smell wasn't me. 
Distracted for a second Sadie picked the Poodle up, and dropped it in a second. The pong hit hir and Poodle hit the bed. Me 1 Poodle 0. 
Well my success lasted three seconds exactly!
Being a teacher and a keeper of knowledge Sades put two and two together FAST. (It might have been my victory dance)
I got the look and yinna did I "kak" myself.
Long story short I spent the rest of my evening bathing and blow drying the dam Poodle.
The thing loved life. It lay in my arms as I blow dried it wiggling so I reached its whole body and you could see the smirk on the flipping things mouth. Dam you Poodle.
Me 1 Poodle 7.

My cycling is improving. Not enough to race African Champs this weekend but enough not to look like a sausage squeezed into spandex.

So thats that, my weekly round up. 

Have a good weekend. Go out and do something different. 

Cheers :)


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