Tuesday 12 March 2013

Zen of the Snowbeast

Every warrior needs a decent noodle, not the noodle found in your pants, a brain.
That's probably why I spent 6 hours this Sunday behind my laptop studying. I got into bed last night nauseous from staring at the screen and kinda just collapsed.

So on this whole warrior thing I decided I should take note of Bruce Lee and Zen up. I see they all meditate and it looks pretty dam easy. Just sit in one place with your eyes closed. Not hard. 
So I went outside and sat down by the pool. Crossed my legs and closed my eyes. 20 seconds later my idiot neighbor starts his lawn mower. GRRRRR, I calm down and start again. After a minute I'm bored. My mid wonders off and I soon find myself chasing after it. I finally catch it and empty my mind like the Internet says. A fly lands on my ear, I slap it. The bugger escapes and I now have an empty wandering mind and a sore ear. I empty the bloody thing again. A minute later The friggen poodle comes and sits on my lap. I'll let you take advantage of my meditating state you cretin! It licks my leg. This is not working. I RE-EMPTY MY FRIGGEN MIND! I sit for another minute and Billy the spaniel parks a crap less than 10m from me. THATS IT! Stuff this meditating crap! It's not made for urban warriors, rather warriors stuck in the middle of nowhere with nothing better to do than swing pieces of wood around at their siblings and making a killing off conning the Western world.
Talking about a con, so is meditation. It's just people paying somebody to let them sleep sitting up in their "studio". So they can then "start their day".
I'm a realist. I start my day with a cup of coffee and a shower.
Funny thing is science proves that the minute somebody mentions themselves and shower in the same sentence 80% of the listeners will picture them naked. Perves :)

With all that said Sades and I went for a good run last night. We took Billy and The Poodle too. As we left the house both animals had a pooh. Standing there in peak hour traffic with two dogs poohing is a embarrassing. I just wish they'd do it normally. Not shaking and trying to walk at the same time. Half way through we came to a dead halt. Sadie spots some people in lab coats and immediately stops to ask them if they want to tutor. Poodle reckons its a terrible idea and pulls on her Poodle Harness trying to get Sadie to move. Shocked I stare at her trying to work out how somebody can go from a full canter into business mode and interviewing people on the side of the road.

I'm not going to rugby tonight. I've got too much work but I'll go for a jog when I get home.

Have a great week all.


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