Thursday 10 January 2013

That Awkward Moment

That awkward moment when you stick your head out your doomsday bunker and see the birds happily chirping and 103 missed calls from concerned family members and texts with psychologists numbers.
The funny stares one gets trying to return pallets of tinned food back to Checkers.

It could get worse.

Your paranoia and arrogance could have led you to create a blog read by many on your training for a battle that would never happen.

Did i fight in the Hunger Games - No, I ran off to the Zambezi and fished for two weeks.
Do I feel like an ass for claiming the world was going to end - No, I'm awesome and awesome doesn't feel like an ass, EVER.

On a positive note, Sadils bought me a new pair of takkies for christmas for my quest to get fit. It's amazing how much better your knees feel in a good pair of takkies.

So now I have the takkies, a bit of motivation and I just need a goal.
Short term I want to run a minimum of four times a week for the first two months and by the end of the year I want to run a 21km.
Any suggestions? Feel free to leave a comment underneath any post.

Hope you all had a fantabulous festive season.


P.S If anybody heard any dirty rumors about Sadie catching a bigger fish than me it was only by 300g!!

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