Monday 28 January 2013

Flashing speedo's and Riding Rasta's

Lately I've been swimming in the early mornings with Sadie, Kelly and her family and running in the evenings and this has left me broken. I guess it's the price you pay to be a killer athlete or even to survive the mile.

My first swim I managed 400m, this scared me. I don't even think there are life guards that soon in to the mile.
I have got myself up to a Kay which is great as I'm improving fast, but thats most probably the deepest part of the dam and no lifeguard will want to follow me that far down. This sparked an idea! I bought a red flashy light for my bike saddle but when it was in the post my bike got stolen (thats a whole new story). So, this light has a clip and that clip is going to be attached to my swimming apparel ( I say apparel as I don't yet know what I am wearing). The idea is no matter how deep I go somebody will know I'm there. So when you see a large white swimmer with a flashy ass on the start line it's not a glowworm, its me!
Wait, bad idea! While writing this I figured a flashing red light on my bottom could be sending out an invitation I don't want.

Now to the bike.
October last year, three days before my birthday we fell victim to an affirmative shopping spree and off went my (truth be told, my moms) GT i-drive.
Fast forward three months and I was driving home from work and I see a Rasta riding MY BIKE across the road in front of me. What are the chances!!
I immediately lost my nut and went red. I screamed across the road and chased him in my car. When he moved onto the pavement I parked alley dock style in a parallel parking bay and ran after the chap.
When I got close I screamed "THATS MY BIKE, STOP"
Oblivious to the high speed chase the Rasta turned around and must have thought, "Calm down whiteboy, theres no need cause a commotion.". The unaware criminal had his saddle lifted and turned white when he saw my rage face.
Loooong story cut short and a good couple of visits to the Police later I have my bike back. As my Dad said on twitter, my hunger games training has paid off.
Ironically the week before I gave my Gardner a couple of my cycling shirts. 
Hilts and I went through it and amazingly, apart from a wheel whose bearings need a service and a broken wishbone the bike is in good nick.

This morning while I was driving I remembered I had a dare that was paused due to the theft of my bike.
The dare was to complete the Hill2hill mountainbike race this year.
After the mile I have a lot of training ahead of me.

Will see you all around.

P.S Hilt updated his blog from yesterdays race. 
P.P.S Anybody else blog here? If so post it in a reply.

Now I'm really off.

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