Thursday 28 February 2013

Rugby Madness

I figured the best way to shed some pounds would be structured running at different intensities. In theory it sounds easy. Find something where I run at different heart rates to shed these bloody pounds and my cycling will become easier. Not so bad.

Holy cow I think I made a boo boo.
I joined a rugby club!

First practice I pitch up to I'm buggered just playing touch. I hung around on the wing hoping the ball wouldn't come my way. Thankfully it didn't!

Whistle blew and it was business time. 
Holy crap, after the first set I was done! I was seeing stars and had sweat in my eyes. My throat closed up and lunch appeared at the base of my throat. All the okes where standing chatting. No ways! Whistle goes and off we go again. At this point I'm following blurred dots which actually are people running in front of me. 
It doesn't help being an Alpha male, I have to keep my image. CRISIS: do run to the loo to vomit or do I do it like a man to one side and carry on. I hate having to be an Alpha male sometimes.

They tell us that now we nice and warm we can do some fitness. I don't like this one bit. The rest of the practice happened. I felt like I was on a roller coaster ride of pain. I had no control of my body.
When I got into the bath later on with a Winhoek draught I spotted a grass stain and small roastie on my leg - I must have fallen or been tackled. My shoulders also hurt so I must have tackled somebody- sweet, I hope it looked rad and manly!

Even the bloody Poodle felt sorry for me. When I was dressed and slipping in and out of a coma on the couch she came and cuddled my legs. The last thing I want is sympathy from that bloody cretin! Just to show I'm a man I kicked her off. Like a boss.

Second practice I get told to put my takkies on we going for a 3km warm up run. It wasn't so bad - ran with my mate Con and we did it in 21minutes. Thats 7 mins a kay. same as what my Dad finished the Comrades on, maybe its not so good. 
I'm now fitter and enjoying my rugby, I can feel the overall fitness in my cycling.

As much as Sades is running Super Tutors she got a full time job as a Grade 3 remedial teacher at Clarendon *BOOM*. So with all her getting everything ready we haven't had time to run in the mornings, but thats not an excuse from Monday we've decided.

This weekend I have two full days off so I have a lot of riding to do.
I'm looking for a relatively unfit cycling partner who is keen on getting fit. male/female/young /old with one requirement - have a bloody sense of humour.

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