Wednesday 17 April 2013

Cycling rant, Simbas snotter and Poodles fit

Sunday I went for a ride. I had to go through town before I got out onto the dirt road. 
I hear cyclists constantly complain about how cars and especially taxis treat them. I had no such problem. I even had one taxi slow down behind me and coasted while I rode across a taxi pick up point. Once his passengers where loaded and he had caught up with me he pulled right over and overtook me in the next lane.
I kept my wheel on or in the yellow line and indicated where I wanted to go. I had a pleasant road riding experience.
On the flipside of the coin I also drive a car. I am constantly in the red watching cyclists tide two or three abreast or just turning as they feel. Some will ride in the middle of the road at 30km/h and expect cars to wait for a gap to overtake.
I think life would be great if we could put all the aggressive cyclists and motorists into a wrestling ring with chairs and ladders and let them have it. Once cyclists and motorists put their arrogance aside and learn to respect the other as a road user too we'll see a lot less road deaths and also life will be pretty bloody pleasant.
Thats my moan for the week done.

Good news is my Dad gave me a new pair of cycling shoes for my hill2hill quest. These are bloody snazzy things. They Shimano's, black and red and have velcro and a ratchet type doer upper. I have never known comfort like these shoes. So now no excuses.
Sundays training ride went off without a hitch. I had a good time out and worked on my form. Thinking of little circles as I moved my feet round the pedals. My bum is becoming more accustomed to sitting on a piece of plastic covered in a small layer of foam. In short I am once again becoming a warrior.

My friend the Poodle is still nuts. She is banished from sleeping in the house as she has a leaky valve at night and I spend my mornings looking for spots of wee. I must admit the first night was glorious. I spread out and just slept. No feet chewing no jumping on and off the bed. Just me and my sweet dreams.
I have a new problem though. Voldemort the cat. Now his real name is Simba, but due to cancer he had his nose amputated. He now has a gap on his face. This means more dirt in the nose and more sneezing, without the nose its a drag racers dream, it's free flow baby.
As it's getting cold he now has taken to sleeping on our bed and when I say on our bed I mean on our pillow. I'm slightly allergic to cats so I now wake up in one of two ways. Either full of cat hair and itchy as hell or wet from a free flow Voldemort sneeze. Everybody loves him so I'll feel bad if I "misplace" him. Voldemort stays and my sleep continues to suffer.

Yesterday Charmaine and Mike get back from a run in which they took the Poodle. I now refuse. The bloody thing runs left to right and barks at any dog jumping against its harness rearing like a stallion although only a foot tall. Perfect position for a rugby kick ;).
Everybody gets home and all well, the dogs are drinking water and I'm doing my soduko on the loo when I hear. "Thombi, Thombi. Thombi's having a fit." I bolt out of there to see Thombi's front dipped and she's on the ground shaking in a weird position. Sadie who was about to climb into the shower come rushing through in whatever clothes she can find fastest and on Mikes orders we put her in the bath and cover her in cold water trying to cool her down. Thombi carries on shaking as we call the vet. Still shaking she gets packaged up in a towel and raced through to the vet. Mr vet says she has had a fit bought on by the heat. I will admit this and admit this once. Poodle, I was ever so teensy weensily worried about your health and in hind sight I should have siezed the day and thrown the washing in with you in the bath tub.
Now you ok it's game on!



On a side note. I have been terribly erratic on posting here, spending time on my UNISA studies. I am now comitting to a new post every Wednesday and will be up at 14h00 CAT time.
Hi five for dedication.


[The link seems broken but should show simba minus his snotter]

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