Wednesday 24 April 2013

Manflu, the poodle and the parrot

So winters on its way. Days are shorter, nighties are getting longer and it's bladdy cold! 
Coupled with the depressing weather I seem to be on the verge of man flu. To those who have never experienced man flu, stay away. It's like death warmed up. You feel fuzzy and nauseous and literally couldn't give a shit about anything else but telling anybody within earshot how terrible you feel. They say it's worse for those who are around the man flu victim. 
I'm worried I get a full dose of man flu. Can you imagine this deadly warrior grumpy as all hell. 
The good thing is I don't have full blown man flu. I'm just tired and grumpy. This kills your exercise routine, you end up not being motivated at all to go and when you do go you have nothing to give so you just vasbyt and get it over with and feel smashed afterwards. This is not fun! 

Poodle has made a 100% recovery and is full of beans as usual. Her morning routine is to be let out of the little girls room, have a wee, wait at the front door and sprint into the house jumping on all beds or furniture to show her humans she is back and recharged for the day. If I'm still in bed she will jump up, have a quick nibble of my feet and try cuddle up for a quick nap. Day after her fit she storms into the house whilst I'm still in bed. I pull my toes safely out of harms way and tuck them into the duvet. Poodle rushes into the room, two leaps and she is on the bed and straight for the toes. "Too slow Poodle my friend" I think with my eyes closed half in dream land. A second later she is on my shoulder licking my face and defleaing my head. I give the rat credit, she makes a plan!
The Parrot attacked me on Monday, latched his stupid beak onto my hoodie while I was in the cupboard next to his cage.  Haven been bitten beforehand I paniced and swung around so bloody fast it sent him flying across the room. I wasn't to bleak with the parrot, he's obviously learnt from the warrior himself so well done boy! What I was bleak about is in all the commotion of me screaming (my manly warcry) and the parrots skwaaks nobody came running through. They all sat in the lounge laughing at the commotion they could hear. Least my fish still love me.

So this next weeks goal is to kick the sickness and carry on with a smile. 
It's my Dads birthday on Sunday so Happy Birthday Pops!!!

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