Tuesday 30 April 2013

Ghost hunting and a lack of motivation

So things have been a bit spooky at home recently.
Three mornings in a row Charmaine has walked through into the sewing room and found the grandfather clocks pendulums taken out the cabinet and leant against the clock itself. There's also a funny duck Sadie won that keeps getting moved to underneath the clock. My first thought was one of us are sleepwalking. It's impossible, the room in question is part of the house that gets alarmed every night. This got me thinking about the girl I thought I saw two months ago. I saw a girl that looked like Sadie walk past me while I was studying in the dining room. The girl was walking towards the front door to go outside. I followed "Sadie" to ask her where's she going and as I turned the corner the gate was locked and Sadie was in her room. I put it down to me being mad as hell.
This has got me doubting, maybe I'm not nuts. Maybe I'm actually normal like the rest of the herd. No man, I'm a warrior, I'm above normal - Do Not Get That Wrong!

So now we have something in the house we not sure of. I usually sleep with a tazer and pepper spray next to my bed just in case Hunger Games starts while I'm sleeping. Bow and arrow chick wont see shit with a face full of mace and a couple thousand volts pulsing through her skinny un-warriorish body.
I've increased my arsenal to a tazer, pepper spray and my cars vacuum cleaner just in case our unwanted visitor decides to test my warrior skills. One bad move and the visitor will find herself being sucked up and stored in my hand held vacuum cleaner until further notice.
I now believe I am not only a warrior and a weapon but also a Ghostbuster. 
Now days with absolutely no experience apart from a bit of reading and an exam or three you can be whatever you want. Walk into the working world with a degree and a pencil and you are an accountant. ( I say this while I am studying via UNISA, can you say hypocrite)
I own a vacuum and I watched Paranormal Activities therefore I am now a qualified Ghost buster.

I have lacked motivation a bit recently and have just been doing exercise just because I have to and been putting minimal effort in. I'm taking a day or two off to want to run and ride again. Pointless doing something if you are not going for it wholeheartedly. The colder it's getting the cuddlier Poodle is getting. It's worrying, it really doesn't look manly when we have visitors and the rat comes and jumps on my lap to get warm. Stupid thing. I think she's just matey matey because we took her to Karkloof falls on Sunday after going to the market with Nicky and Husky. The silly thing had a ball chasing sticks and running around like a Poodle possessed.

Well done to Brandon Orpwood for winning u18 SA Champs for slalom kayaking (I hope I got it right, its the kayaking where they go through gates up and down stream). He now will be going to Czechoslovakia to represent at Worlds. Nice one Orpie!

You'll notice a "Cool Links" tab next to "Who's Who". Soon it will be brimming with cool blogs, websites and anything else I find interesting. I did say it will happen soon, I am a male, soon is any time from now till next week.

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