Wednesday 29 May 2013

Mr O is in the house

The other morning on 5fm I heard the American President Barrack Obama will be coming to South Africa for a visit. This makes my heart happy. Wherever Mr Obama goes so does the media. Finally the first world will realise Africa is a massive continent made up of smaller countries that do exist. We will no longer just be "from Africa", we can finally be proudly South African. I can only imagine he'll arrive on Airforce one and will have to land at O.R Tambo like the rest of the world (apart from our friends the Gupta's). Mr Zuma must be excited. I remember the excitement of friends and family coming from a far to stay. They always bought cool gifts. I can just imagine Parliament rubbing their greedy little hands together at the announcement thinking what gifts will the People from the wicked west bring for us Comrades. 
I see Mr Obama as a humble man, he'll probably get the First Lady to bake a humble apple pie to thank Mr Zuma for his hospitality. Once realised that there are no luxury 4x4's, replacement jewellery for Mrs Zuma #2 or even US Dollars, cabinet will go on the rampage. Burning tyres and promising to go on a strike and halting their departments. This doesn't scare a warrior like me, they don't do anything anyway. We'll just have to put up with burning tyres and street dancers like we do any ways. If I had my way I'd have Mr Obama stay in rural areas with no running water or electricity like Hilton or Mpolweni. This way he will see the real South Africa. We not all about riding lions to school and hunting animals for supper. We are a real country. We are a proud nation that just puts up with all the lack of service delivery.
Here's a cool fact, Mr Obama brews his own beer. How cool is that. We have the most powerful man in the world who enjoys a good 'ol brew. That's respect.

As you can see I'm not really in a good mood, complaining like a whiney prat. I think it's the withdrawal symptoms from lack of exercise. I'm busy writing exams so my study time has increased and my running and cycling has decreased. It's almost over tho. Soon I'll be back to being awesome and kicking all of your butts. BOOM. Confidence in motion (Sorry Subaru, I stole your catch phase). 
As of next week Friday this warrior will be in an intense post exam training schedule. Eating like a rabbit and soaring like an eagle. I hate rabbit food but it must be done. Lose a kilo or eight, put some lean muscle on and I'll be back in the running for Hunger Games champ. Bow and arrow chick, you're mine!

Have a great week all :)

Wednesday 22 May 2013

Hi guys,
I have to humbly apolagise for a lack of a blog post today.
I have two exams this week and the real world took preference.
I do have  one in the pipe line and will pt it asap.
Follow me on twitter for an update on when it'll be posted ( @snow_beast)

Wednesday 15 May 2013

Mother Nature you heartless .........

Mother Nature doesn't smaak me at all! Last week I wished I would get properly sick and just get this bug over and done with. Once again mother nature took the challenge by the horns and on my free weekend she hit me with the man flu and to topple that it pissed down with rain. 
I'm not going to blog about me being sick, it never helps to complain. It pushes you backwards if anything.

This has given me the idea I need to get in touch with nature as Mother Nature seems to be a potential ally and a bladdy strong one at that.
I have this sudden urge to pick up my air rifle, fishing rod and a box of matches and head out into the wilderness to fend for myself. Just me and mother nature, chilling together like old tjommies. Hunting and gathering like my forefathers did. Judging by my size my forefathers must have been world champ foragers.
Sadie thinks I'm nuts and wont survive out there. The way I see it we are all entitled to our own opinion, even if it is wrong.
I'm just not keen on the whole toilet thing. After a full day running around doing hunter gatherer things I then have to dig a pit, do my thing then find a waterfall for a shower, jump out build the fire I should have built before my shower, warm up a bit and immediately smell like a smoked sausage. Yoh, I'm thinking twice about this whole outdoors thing. Maybe just be an indoor bunny hugger. Jol Xbox and when the time comes I'm gonna join the bunch of hypocrites waving slogans around like "SAVE THE TREES" printed on cardboard. For those who don't know card board is made from trees. Yip, never thought of that did you? I don't wanna listen to the whole sacrifice one tree to save the rest junk. When Hunger Games start I'm gonna sacrifice their lilly white asses if they feel so strongly about it.

Sadils impressed me the other day. While I was feeling sorry for myself she came home late from work and pounded out a 30min sesh on the treadmill. She's now leading from the front with the fitness thing. I need to follow.
I kinda, mighta told the lady who measured me up (only jacket size, I promise) I was a whole pants size smaller for Mandy and Daves wedding. The idea here is to motivate me to lose the extra pants size and keep on my quest to be fit and funky. This won't be hard when Sadie gets into it. She'll kick my ass and drag me up and down mountains.

So another week of inactivity and I'm feeling terrible. I can't wait to run and ride agai. I reckon it's gonna be a difficult start, but non the less I'm going at this next week like a bull in Pampelona. 

Wednesday 8 May 2013

Winter is coming

Wow, two weeks ago I complained it was cold. I'm gonna shuddup now, cos Winter took that as a personal challenge and I came off second best. As much as I am a Warrior I don't think I am ready to take on mother nature (you need a chainsaw certificate to hire or buy one.).

I'm enjoying my weekend rides more and more. My bum hurts less and it's good to just detune yourself from the world and chill. I do find that riding alone you tend to zone out in thought and before you know it you are zoning out and staring at passing butterflies, zapping them with my secret warrior powers....
Week day rides are not working any more with there being no light and not having ice tyres for the early mornings but the run/walks are good fun. My performance has dropped, I noticed I had less energy and less oomph the other day and shortly after I came down with a horrific post nasal drip. It feels like liquid razor blades are having a slip and slide sesh in the back of my throat. I just wish I'd get properly man down sick,get a day off to sleep it off and not have to worry about these silly little bugs I keep getting.
On the positive side I still have family, friends and a bloody Poodle thats nuts.
I don't understand a dogs logic tho. 
Thombi and I have started playing fetch. I throw her toy. She chases it. She pounces on it. Picks it up in her mouth, shakes the crap out of it then brings it back to me. To me it's great as I don't have to move from where I am and the bloody thing is getting exercise. Now put yourself in the dogs head. Your warrior hero who you adore and think is the bomb throws your favourite toy away from you. You run to fetch your toy. You play with it a little then worry what the amazing warrior is going to do if you don't return it. You return it nicely and the ass throws it again. If the Poodle had a third braincell she would realise her hero is a bully. 

Back to the cycling thing. In my quest to complete the hill2hill I watched some youtube clips and I'm in shit. I forgot about the technical side. I'm just focusing on the fitness. You can be as fit as a fiddle but if you end up going ass over kettle and break your arm you are not gonna finish. I had a chat to Hilt and he offers skills clinics so I'm booked in.
It makes sense to have somebody who does this day in and day out giving me tips, reminding me how to pick lines, bike setup and answers to all the other fiddly questions I have.

If anybody is keen to ride in the PMB area over the weekends it'll be great to join up if you also in the beginner stage and wanting to get going fast :) if I zap another butterfly mother nature will kick my ass!
