Wednesday 15 May 2013

Mother Nature you heartless .........

Mother Nature doesn't smaak me at all! Last week I wished I would get properly sick and just get this bug over and done with. Once again mother nature took the challenge by the horns and on my free weekend she hit me with the man flu and to topple that it pissed down with rain. 
I'm not going to blog about me being sick, it never helps to complain. It pushes you backwards if anything.

This has given me the idea I need to get in touch with nature as Mother Nature seems to be a potential ally and a bladdy strong one at that.
I have this sudden urge to pick up my air rifle, fishing rod and a box of matches and head out into the wilderness to fend for myself. Just me and mother nature, chilling together like old tjommies. Hunting and gathering like my forefathers did. Judging by my size my forefathers must have been world champ foragers.
Sadie thinks I'm nuts and wont survive out there. The way I see it we are all entitled to our own opinion, even if it is wrong.
I'm just not keen on the whole toilet thing. After a full day running around doing hunter gatherer things I then have to dig a pit, do my thing then find a waterfall for a shower, jump out build the fire I should have built before my shower, warm up a bit and immediately smell like a smoked sausage. Yoh, I'm thinking twice about this whole outdoors thing. Maybe just be an indoor bunny hugger. Jol Xbox and when the time comes I'm gonna join the bunch of hypocrites waving slogans around like "SAVE THE TREES" printed on cardboard. For those who don't know card board is made from trees. Yip, never thought of that did you? I don't wanna listen to the whole sacrifice one tree to save the rest junk. When Hunger Games start I'm gonna sacrifice their lilly white asses if they feel so strongly about it.

Sadils impressed me the other day. While I was feeling sorry for myself she came home late from work and pounded out a 30min sesh on the treadmill. She's now leading from the front with the fitness thing. I need to follow.
I kinda, mighta told the lady who measured me up (only jacket size, I promise) I was a whole pants size smaller for Mandy and Daves wedding. The idea here is to motivate me to lose the extra pants size and keep on my quest to be fit and funky. This won't be hard when Sadie gets into it. She'll kick my ass and drag me up and down mountains.

So another week of inactivity and I'm feeling terrible. I can't wait to run and ride agai. I reckon it's gonna be a difficult start, but non the less I'm going at this next week like a bull in Pampelona. 

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