Wednesday 29 May 2013

Mr O is in the house

The other morning on 5fm I heard the American President Barrack Obama will be coming to South Africa for a visit. This makes my heart happy. Wherever Mr Obama goes so does the media. Finally the first world will realise Africa is a massive continent made up of smaller countries that do exist. We will no longer just be "from Africa", we can finally be proudly South African. I can only imagine he'll arrive on Airforce one and will have to land at O.R Tambo like the rest of the world (apart from our friends the Gupta's). Mr Zuma must be excited. I remember the excitement of friends and family coming from a far to stay. They always bought cool gifts. I can just imagine Parliament rubbing their greedy little hands together at the announcement thinking what gifts will the People from the wicked west bring for us Comrades. 
I see Mr Obama as a humble man, he'll probably get the First Lady to bake a humble apple pie to thank Mr Zuma for his hospitality. Once realised that there are no luxury 4x4's, replacement jewellery for Mrs Zuma #2 or even US Dollars, cabinet will go on the rampage. Burning tyres and promising to go on a strike and halting their departments. This doesn't scare a warrior like me, they don't do anything anyway. We'll just have to put up with burning tyres and street dancers like we do any ways. If I had my way I'd have Mr Obama stay in rural areas with no running water or electricity like Hilton or Mpolweni. This way he will see the real South Africa. We not all about riding lions to school and hunting animals for supper. We are a real country. We are a proud nation that just puts up with all the lack of service delivery.
Here's a cool fact, Mr Obama brews his own beer. How cool is that. We have the most powerful man in the world who enjoys a good 'ol brew. That's respect.

As you can see I'm not really in a good mood, complaining like a whiney prat. I think it's the withdrawal symptoms from lack of exercise. I'm busy writing exams so my study time has increased and my running and cycling has decreased. It's almost over tho. Soon I'll be back to being awesome and kicking all of your butts. BOOM. Confidence in motion (Sorry Subaru, I stole your catch phase). 
As of next week Friday this warrior will be in an intense post exam training schedule. Eating like a rabbit and soaring like an eagle. I hate rabbit food but it must be done. Lose a kilo or eight, put some lean muscle on and I'll be back in the running for Hunger Games champ. Bow and arrow chick, you're mine!

Have a great week all :)

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