Wednesday 8 May 2013

Winter is coming

Wow, two weeks ago I complained it was cold. I'm gonna shuddup now, cos Winter took that as a personal challenge and I came off second best. As much as I am a Warrior I don't think I am ready to take on mother nature (you need a chainsaw certificate to hire or buy one.).

I'm enjoying my weekend rides more and more. My bum hurts less and it's good to just detune yourself from the world and chill. I do find that riding alone you tend to zone out in thought and before you know it you are zoning out and staring at passing butterflies, zapping them with my secret warrior powers....
Week day rides are not working any more with there being no light and not having ice tyres for the early mornings but the run/walks are good fun. My performance has dropped, I noticed I had less energy and less oomph the other day and shortly after I came down with a horrific post nasal drip. It feels like liquid razor blades are having a slip and slide sesh in the back of my throat. I just wish I'd get properly man down sick,get a day off to sleep it off and not have to worry about these silly little bugs I keep getting.
On the positive side I still have family, friends and a bloody Poodle thats nuts.
I don't understand a dogs logic tho. 
Thombi and I have started playing fetch. I throw her toy. She chases it. She pounces on it. Picks it up in her mouth, shakes the crap out of it then brings it back to me. To me it's great as I don't have to move from where I am and the bloody thing is getting exercise. Now put yourself in the dogs head. Your warrior hero who you adore and think is the bomb throws your favourite toy away from you. You run to fetch your toy. You play with it a little then worry what the amazing warrior is going to do if you don't return it. You return it nicely and the ass throws it again. If the Poodle had a third braincell she would realise her hero is a bully. 

Back to the cycling thing. In my quest to complete the hill2hill I watched some youtube clips and I'm in shit. I forgot about the technical side. I'm just focusing on the fitness. You can be as fit as a fiddle but if you end up going ass over kettle and break your arm you are not gonna finish. I had a chat to Hilt and he offers skills clinics so I'm booked in.
It makes sense to have somebody who does this day in and day out giving me tips, reminding me how to pick lines, bike setup and answers to all the other fiddly questions I have.

If anybody is keen to ride in the PMB area over the weekends it'll be great to join up if you also in the beginner stage and wanting to get going fast :) if I zap another butterfly mother nature will kick my ass!


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