Friday 1 February 2013

Poodle Pedicures and TAPOUT shirts

Driving in town yesterday I saw this skinny kid wearing a TAPOUT shirt. Man that drives me mad, really, a skinny kid wearing a shirt that claims he is such an MMA fighter that he would inflict such pain to his opponent that his opponent would have to tap out. One day I will punch one of them in the face just to test how tough he is.

Gripes aside I got my Midmar seeding today. I'm in group Green. Sadie reckons thats the group for scardie cats - Dam straight, the seeder reads my blog. Sadie is in the Yellow group which we all know is for those who wee in the pool.

Hilts has been staying with us and the Poodle thinks it's great. No matter where the poor guy goes Poodle follows him and nibbles his feet. Hilt loves this, he reckons he hasn't had to cut his toe nails since he moved in. I think he just likes my sworn enemy and is to brotherly to tell me so. Dam that Poodle...

My bike wheel is at Minnaars being serviced and will be back tomorrow then its a week left for Midmar training. After that I will be running and cycling trying to get fit for the hill2hill.

For those who don't know what the hill2hill is, it's a mountainbike ride from Hilton to Shongweni near Durban. Theoretically it starts up high and ends near the coast, BUT the organisers take you through the Valley of a Thousand Hills. Trust me, I've seen the Garmin maps and they don't call it the Valley Of a Thousand hills for nothing. I have time I think. I'm not 100% sure when it is but I think its a bit later on in the year. 

Before the hill2hill is a 12 hour night relay my Dad puts together. I'm really excited for this. There's something special riding in complete darkness with just the beam of light from your handlebars lighting the way.
Well that lasted until 3am when I suggested the team goes for a beer for encouragement. The single beer was followed by a double cane and coke and things became interesting.
Looking forward to it again this year, hopefully fitter and can handle my booze a bit better - might even bring some home brew to make things fun.

Hope you all have a good weekend and if you at a loose end on Saturday there's some racing at Cascades, PMB in the morning with the main race at 12:00. Both Hilt and my Dad will be competing.

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