Thursday 7 February 2013

Sports Talk - Duzi - Mom's smurf group

So now I'm starting this whole sports thing I suppose I have to start Passionately supporting a team.
I've always supported the Sharks and Dolphins and National teams, but apparently thats not enough.
Somehow life puts me with these incredibly knowledgeable sports people and the conversation usually goes towards sport. "Did you see Steyns bowling this weekend?" How do i answer that?
Yes, I walked past the TV and saw Steyn did indeed bowl and News24 said he did well. If I answer yes I have to wing a 15min conversation based on the sports report I hear on the radio on my way to work and have to keep faking I'm a sports boff. The flipside is I could answer "No." and at the next braai I'll end up in the smoke and not allowed to touch the tongs. Life is complicated. As a test Sadie bumped into a friend in the mall and while chatting her boyfriend says to me "So what team do you support?". What sport? What do you say to that? How does somebody assume I know what he's on about?
With my brain puzzling I blurted out "Andy Birkett" then realizing Andy Birkett is not a team but an individual. SHIT!! Before I can recover and palm it off as a joke the girls say cheers and if we meet at a braai I will be assumed not capable of handling braai tongs.

On the Subject of Andy he's racing his rowing race next week down Pietermartizburgs refuse removal river.
It's quite popular and even has it's own TV Show. I think he must be very confident if he trusts my brother and Herb as his seconds.

This last weekend I went to watch the first XC race which was awesome, I rode my bike all the way across town to go watch. The racing was awesome to watch and the smell of my own sweat coupled with the smell of gum trees made me realise how much I've missed cycling.
I did hear of cycling's simpleton who tried a new sponsors product the night before and didn't read the label properly. He thought the "label read does not contain caffeine". Doffie tried it and spent the night awake.
There is hope for me if there people like that in the world.

Mom and I are both doing the mile on Saturday, this makes me nervous, imagine the horror if she beats me!!!
She BBMed me last night to ask me what does it mean if she's swimming in the blue group? I told her it's the group for Smurfs. I don't think she believed me tho. She probably thought "Dammit I BBMed the wrong son". Hard mistake tho, I saved my number on her phone as "#1 son" - not referring to the fact I was born first, rather to the fact I ROCK.....

The Poodle has been behaving, she now has two new toys. A stuffed elephant and a stuffed sheep. This has muffled her yapping as the animal is constantly in her mouth. I wish I thought of that before I gagged her and dropped her into the wash basket. 

I read a fantastic quote last night. " You can never fully trust the source of an internet quote" Abriham Lincoln

Cheers :)

P.S O ja, if you wanna see how @andybirkett1 is doing on the Duzi Follow my boet @HiltonFrost and Herb @Mark_Malherbe and they'll tweet when they see him.

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