Tuesday 19 February 2013

The MIle

Last week I was too nervous about the mile to blog and this week I've been to broken but here it is.

We arrived in a bit of a rush as we where blindsided by traffic. So we quickly undressed got our caps and tags together and ran to the shuttles the mile provides to transport us accross to the start. The queue was massive and we where "worried" we might miss our start.
To our rescue a Karkloof Canopy Tours Land Cruiser pitched up and even though I'm a Landy fan I piled on and hung on tight to get to the start.
Almost there a stupid kid ran across the road and the driver screeched the brakes sending all us sweaty speedo clad guys into a horribly uncomfortable pile. Drenched in strangers sweat we climbed off the cruiser.

I made fun of Mom being in the blue group earlier on, turns out it was three batches better than me.

As I touched the water the nerves hit me, I was far from fit but the Navy was there on standby incase I drowned.
I suffered, the first bouy I convinced myself was 600m just to feel like I was further than I should be.
Never in my life have I had ear problems whilst swimming but Saturday I did.
I ended up doing breaststroke the whole way and when I got tired a rolled  onto my back and did an impersonation of a dying beetle which seemed to propel me in the right direction. Only draw back was I watched a small kid catch up 50m and sail past me.
When I finally reached the end I downed an Aquelle had a chat to Alex and joined Husky for a beer. BAD MOVE. In a minute I was on the ground sweating, writhing around feeling as if my chest was going to explode. I thought this is it, I 'm having a heart attack. The rest also started to get worried when my arm got pins and needles and the pain increased. 
BBBRRRAAAAAWWWWWWPPPP - the pain was gone! Hey? What the hell was that? Turns out its not clever to down a beer after an athletic event and all you need to do is to burp it out like a child. Lesson learnt, when I down my beer after the next event Sadie needs to burp me.

Mom and Sadie beat me :( I need a new sport.
Step in cycling!!
I'm really looking forward to the long hours on the bike in prep for Hill2Hill. This is going to be a real test.
Hilt and Dad reckon I'm gonna need to do 10Hours a week min! I'm making a plan to get an indoor trainer for Winter.
My motivation, when I get to the long hours I can ask Mom guilt free for her famous energy bars.

On a side note, who saw the meteor shower in Russia? 
I've put myself on standby, who knows, Hunger Games could be just put on ice.
I'm still an Alpha Male and ready to rock!

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