Tuesday 11 June 2013

Dirty mags and Kids

Right, so exams are over and it's time to start blogging again.
Much better than exams in my humble opinion.

Back to the immanent threat of The Hunger Games. Chatting to a mate I have one problem. What if they throw me into the gauntlet with kids like Rue from the Hunger Games? Yinna, I'm a warrior but not a murderer. Maybe I'll take some chloroform with me. Like the old pick up line, (presenting a hankie from your pocket) "excuse me miss, does this smell like chloroform to you". It's a knock out. 
So the kids will get chloroformed and removed to a safe place. Maybe I'll chain them to the kitchen and when I get back to my cave after a successful day of hunger gaming the little tykes will have a meal prepared form me. Dam straight, that is how a snowbeast rolls. BOOM!!
Wait, what if the little shits conspire to kill me and poison my food. Crap, I didn't think of that. I might have to cut their tongues out and remove any limbs they don't need. 

Whoah, maybe a little excessive considering I am trying not to hurt a little kiddie.
I'll come back to this thought, I hope I have time to sort it out before a face bow and arrow chick and her little side kick.
As for her lover, He seems a little desperate. Chasing her around like a lost puppy. I think what nobody realises is he's secretly trying to see where she's showering. Thinking with the wrong head mate! I'll throw some dirty mags out and bop him on the head as he picks them up. Problem solved. 
Where do i get these mags and how? If Sadils sees my card statement or finds whats really in my Hunger Games stash she might send me to a quack to sort my Alpha male brain out. 
Imagine walking into the garage and finding a back pack with a bushman bow and arrow, two butcher knives her Granddad used to own, matches, a tent and a bunch of dirty mags. Yinna, I'll get the frying pan.......... AGAIN.

The Poodle reckons we mates now. It's partially 'cos Charmaine  gave her a haircut and Sadie is insisting on tying a triangular scarf on her so she looks country and western. Poor thing, comes with it's tail between it's legs and looks at me like I'm the only normal thing in the household. I'll take her on my side, for one reason. Chicks dig Poodles. I'll set her free around bow and arrow chick and when she bends over to pick the bladdy thing up, BAM, she gets it. 

Hope you all have a great day......

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