Friday 28 December 2012

I'm Still alive

I'm still alive!!!

25km downstream from Katima Mulilo on the Zambezi.
If anybody else has survived join us.

Friday 21 December 2012

It's Here!

So here it is, D Day, the end of the world and the start of my quest to be the greatest.

I'm sitting in my office, bags packed and escape route sorted, going over my check list.
My hearts racing and my eyes are watering from nerves.
It's a good nervous though.

I'm not to sure what I am waiting for? Are huge balls of flame going to be falling from the sky? A massive cannon going off or do we just start beating the crap out of each other as we please?

So my training should pay off. All the early mornings and stiff joints have led me to today.
Thanks to all of you for the support in my training and the good wishes for today.
To all the guy out there, sorry you can't all be an Alpha Male like me. Haha :)

So this is my last blog post, until I win the Hunger Games or if I don't it's my last ever.

Happy Festive Season all, It was fun writing about my training and who knows, if we still here next year I might find some random crap to write about.

If you see me in the street watch out, the games might have started and I might have to kill you :)

Tuesday 18 December 2012

X Box Showdown Time

Right, so over BBM Andy and I are now friends. Thats fantastic because with all this rain I could do with some paddling lessons.
I'll keep that alliance strong as it could come in handy soon.

I haven't been sleeping well lately. We have a cat minus a nose at home. We call him Voldemort from time to time. Voldemort tries to cuddle your face at night which if you are asleep is ok, but with no nose he sneezes a lot. His lack of a nose acts as a free flow and you tend to wake up full of cat snollies.
He's too old to lob off the bed so you just push him down the bed and trap him with your feet. repeat process all night.

Don and Ray are in town. Ray and Sadie have been friends for years and Dons on my shit list. Don came to Durban and beat my beloved Sharks in the Final of the Currie cup. Tonight I will take him down at X Box.

I believe my end of the world preparations are going well. I have seen people stocking up on Baked Beans and other foods that last. 
I have been fiddling with my air rifle instead. To hell with eating Baked beans and pasta all day. I'm gonna feast on meat and fish. Be a true wild man.
My bag is packed so the minute I get my Hunger Game call up I am out the door and ready to implement the plan ;) 

Other than that I have no news apart from readying myself for the showdown with Don tonight.

Game on!!

Tuesday 11 December 2012

Sorry Andy

So apparently I was mean to Andy yesterday. I was called and disciplined! 

I was mean about Andy.
Andy does not have a Poodle on his head.
I was mean about Andy.
Andy does not have a Poodle on his head.
I was mean about Andy.
Andy does not have a Poodle on his head.
I was mean about Andy.
Andy does not have a Poodle on his head.
I was mean about Andy.
Andy does not have a Poodle on his head.
I was mean about Andy.
Andy does not have a Poodle on his head.

I don't know why I am being so mean lately? I mean I tied a "defenseless" Poodle up and left it in my laundry basket and was horrible to Andy who is a really nice guy.
Thats not the usual me. I'm usually so calm and nice to people.
I think it's my testosterone levels peaking. I'm becoming a manly man. The KFC Boxmaster meal is dedicated to men like me. Men who are not ashamed to drive with a Poodle hanging out the window, Men who feel no shame buying flowers from Kwik Spar at 20h30 because they forgot a birthday.

Sadils is down with the flu, poor girl. She usually is pretty strong. I'm not to worried, with all this testosterone pumping through my veins I'm immune to anything.


Monday 10 December 2012

A bit of inspiration and the Dusi champs hair

So I went to Herbs 21st. I wore a loose fitting vest and acted as Lifeguard for the night. My brother was there wearing a strange assortment of clothing. We have decided to never let himself buy his own clothes again.
I had a chat to his house mate with massive hair, like he's got that dam poodle on his head. It's seriously long. He was telling me he is sitting out the Hunger Games to try win the Dusi again. I had a good think about the Dusi while on lifeguard duty.
I don't see it being too hard, they float down stream. It must be like tobogganing for people with biceps. Push off hard and tuck yourself in really tight and enjoy the boat ride, praying you don't contract any diseases.

Maybe after my Hunger Games win I will pioneer real paddling, upstream! 
Rapids must be scary so they'll all thank me for making them run around them.

Flaws of paddling aside people have complained my blog has been neglected. Not true, I have been training in a super secret facility where Windhoek Lager and Draught was the staple diet.

My next training session will be tomorrow morning. My shadow punches are hitting their targets most of the time and my surprise attacks on the Poodle are way more sneaky - Sadie has no idea. 
I'm more motivated than ever.

11 Days, lets keep rolling.

Wednesday 5 December 2012

Did Somebody Say Zombies!!

My morning runs have become afternoon runs and my blog writing time is decreasing rapidly as December moves in swiftly. 
The main thing is I am keeping active. 15 Sleeps till the end.
I'm still battling to run a kilometer but truth be told I wasn't an athlete to start off with.

The dam Poodle is keeping me on what is left of my toes. Although we are now apparently friends she still finds time to chew on my toes. 
She'll make a great distraction in the first day or two and then it's gonna be a peaceful rest of Hunger Games - Don't tell Sadie I said that!

Did anybody listen to 5fm this morning? Gareth Cliff reckons it's gonna be a Zombie Apocalypse!!!!
Thats my whole strategy blown out of water. Zombies are like unwanted friends, the minute they see you all their mates pitch up and soon there is no space to move. I need to up my shadow boxing!

I hope all you guys are stock piling your food and digging your bunkers, Tune into SABC # and watch us alpha males take on the Zombie masses.

- Before the world ends we still have Herbs 21st, as mentioned before it's a pool party, I put on my board shorts last night and they tight. Emergency measures need to be taken.