Tuesday 18 December 2012

X Box Showdown Time

Right, so over BBM Andy and I are now friends. Thats fantastic because with all this rain I could do with some paddling lessons.
I'll keep that alliance strong as it could come in handy soon.

I haven't been sleeping well lately. We have a cat minus a nose at home. We call him Voldemort from time to time. Voldemort tries to cuddle your face at night which if you are asleep is ok, but with no nose he sneezes a lot. His lack of a nose acts as a free flow and you tend to wake up full of cat snollies.
He's too old to lob off the bed so you just push him down the bed and trap him with your feet. repeat process all night.

Don and Ray are in town. Ray and Sadie have been friends for years and Dons on my shit list. Don came to Durban and beat my beloved Sharks in the Final of the Currie cup. Tonight I will take him down at X Box.

I believe my end of the world preparations are going well. I have seen people stocking up on Baked Beans and other foods that last. 
I have been fiddling with my air rifle instead. To hell with eating Baked beans and pasta all day. I'm gonna feast on meat and fish. Be a true wild man.
My bag is packed so the minute I get my Hunger Game call up I am out the door and ready to implement the plan ;) 

Other than that I have no news apart from readying myself for the showdown with Don tonight.

Game on!!

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