Friday 21 December 2012

It's Here!

So here it is, D Day, the end of the world and the start of my quest to be the greatest.

I'm sitting in my office, bags packed and escape route sorted, going over my check list.
My hearts racing and my eyes are watering from nerves.
It's a good nervous though.

I'm not to sure what I am waiting for? Are huge balls of flame going to be falling from the sky? A massive cannon going off or do we just start beating the crap out of each other as we please?

So my training should pay off. All the early mornings and stiff joints have led me to today.
Thanks to all of you for the support in my training and the good wishes for today.
To all the guy out there, sorry you can't all be an Alpha Male like me. Haha :)

So this is my last blog post, until I win the Hunger Games or if I don't it's my last ever.

Happy Festive Season all, It was fun writing about my training and who knows, if we still here next year I might find some random crap to write about.

If you see me in the street watch out, the games might have started and I might have to kill you :)

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