Sunday 8 September 2013

I've moved

Hi Guys,

I've moved to Yip a real domain name. So come on over, see the new site, new motivation and have a blast. I will always keep this website as a testament to all the shit I can think of.
I am in the process of a 12 week challenge and seems tho I am winning.
Keep well 

Tuesday 27 August 2013

Summer Motivation

So I'm gonna put the Alpha Male Olympics on hold a bit in celebration of this dam fine weather we having. I once again feel alive and inspired as I always do in summer. I hate Winter I am one big grouch.

Sunday I went to go support Sadie and her mates at the Mandela Marathon. 
Sadie picked up a last minute entry into the 10km as Fayes mom has been sick. 
Watching the start and seeing a lady being pushed into the temporary fence and a couple "MEN" bumping her further into it boiled my blood. This bloody world deserves to go Hunger Games so those "MEN" who push ladies around like that can get speared by Bow and Arrow Chick. A real MAN was quick on the scene and helped pick her up and made sure she was ok. What a champ.

That Sadie and all her friends did really well and had a blast. Walking out we bumped into Bongani from Those who read this blog will remember the post I had on Bongani's boot camp and how much I suffered. Well I have now signed up for a 12 week program where a qualified dietitian will come and measure us up, give us an eating plan and motivate us along the way.
I'm nervous for Steph the dietician to measure me up. Not only do I know I will be considered obese or overweight Steph is a personal friend. 
I've decided I am going to post my measurements up and weight. Bloody stupid I know, but from the outline of the program I can't see where I could go wrong. In 12 weeks I will be a sexy Snowbeast - I just pray I don't have to stand in my undies for a pic. That would scare the kids.
I'm pretty dam excited for this and think it will be worth the cash and effort involved.

Feeling pumped for this summer. 

Have a great week ahead friends :)

                                                         God is Great

Wednesday 21 August 2013

My Best Idea Yet

It happens to be my worst time of year at the moment. All the winter dust is being stirred up by the August winds bringing in Spring. The dust makes a bee line for my nose and hammers my sinuses, in turn making me a grumpy Snowbeast.

I'm not sick, just clogged up so I am still running but giving boot camp a skip for a while as trying to clear myself in front of a bunch of people is less than attractive.

Out on a run the other day I was thinking about the last Olympic games and how boring I found it. It was pretty cool watching the South Africans making us proud but the rest was so repetitive.
I also was pondering on the problem of over crowding in prisons.
Now being an alpha male I came up with an idea to sort both problems.
It wont contain any age restriction as kids need to learn the whole cause and consequence lesson.
All equipment and essential services will go out on tender in true South African style and awarded to the most likely to fail to deliver, go bankrupt or bribe any and all officials.
Each country will need to put forward Alpha males to compete and convicted murderers, kidnappers, rapists and haters of my blog.

Event 1: 5km obstacle course
Place: Hilbrow, Johannesburg
Details: Each country submits one criminal to run 5km through the streets of Hillbrow careful not to be kidnapped, shot or fall prey to nearby car bombs. Local Gangs will jeer the entrants on and provide refreshment stops containing Mandrax, Tik and Wonga. Winner is first one out.
Please note there will be no medical assistance along the route due to the trial run Ambulances being stolen and converted into taxi's.
All race coverage will be bought to you from Jozi Metro Cameras (the ones that haven't had their poles cut down for scrap metal).

Event 2: Skiet (pronounced Skeet - Afrikaans word for shoot)
Place: Coca-Cola Dome, Johannesburg
Details: Each Alpha Male is given a double barrel shotgun and in turn stands on the firing line blindfolded. One by one a criminal with a bell attached to their body will have to run accross the firing line hoping not to be shot. 1 point for every criminal shot. Later rounds the criminals will each carry a bell at different heights to confuse the Alpha Male. Those accused of hating my blog will have the bell tied around their groin.

Event 3: 100m Sprint
Venue: Greyville Race Course, Durban
Details: On the sound of a gunshot, criminals who where not hit by the bullet will sprint off. 10m behind savage dogs will be released followed by the pesky Poodle, winner is first accross the line and prizes will only be awarded to those who manage to survive.
Due to the nature of the event the criminals will have to find their own way out of the arena and it will be appreciated if they will put all dogs away after the event.

Next week we will look at a couple other events using bow and arrows, horses and swords.

Good luck to the Ballie, he is competing in the Masters Mountain Bike World Championship being held in Pietermaritzburg on Friday.

Hope you all well and you better all behave or we'll meet at the AM Olympics.

Wednesday 7 August 2013

The Hypocrtical Snowbeast

So hear I am telling you I am getting fit and funky but also have a love for all things food and drink.

Look at last Sunday. Sadie is man down with flu and in bed. I finally have a day off with no commitments.
I hit the shops quickly and came back with supplies for the days events.
I started off making a cool veggie garden. It has Brocolli ( raw brocolli and tuna salad is the warrior in the fat burning realm), baby spinach, green peppers and some herbs I have no clue as to what they are. All I pray for is the discount herb pack isn't an "erb" pack and the CIA or even worse Sadils finds out. I'll keep an eye on those ones and pray the Devils lettuce doesn't pop up.

That finished I hit the kitchen and made a chilli sauce my Mom taught me to make. I upped the amount of chillies and added a couple Habeneros and put a roll of toilet paper in the fridge as a just in case.

Being a man I made a braai and as Sadils was sick I braai'd alone. It's good practice for when I am in the wilderness and need to cook food during the Hunger Games. I'm working on a tactic of distant Braaing. This is where I make the fire and attach the meat and watch it from a distance. When Bow and Arrow Chick pitches up to a kiff manly smelling braai I bop her on the head and win Hunger Games. Shits simple when you have a brain like mine.

Carrying on with the manly thing I brewed up a quick 19l batch of Snowbeasts Post Apocalyptic Ale. Four weeks time there is a possibility of me blogging from hospital with mild alchahol poisoning and in need of a new O ring after my chilli pops a valve.

I just got a BBM from Charmaine The Pesky Poodle dug my veggie garden up, apparently trying to help?!? Poodle my friend, an angry Snowbeast is coming your way.

The above proves I am a hypocrite or have conflicting hobbies. Like being a Policeman by day and crook by night. 

I've been struggling with a stiff neck and at first I thought it was a pimple on the neck starting, no pimple. I changed my pillows and still a week later its an uncomfortable pain that is going down my back now. After last night I believe I have found the problem. Its Voldemort the noseless cat. I woke up with the bugger sleeping on top of my head like a bloody had. I must have looked like Davey Crockett! I moved the cat. Woke up and he was in my face in between myself and Sadie. I moved him. I woke again all scrumpled up around the stupid thing. I moved him AGAIN! The BLOODY thing moved back and I was sleeping around him. Stuff this! Being messed around in my own bed by a cat, not happening. I put the bugger in the wash-basket at the base of the bed. Ha, try that silly Feline Foe!
Two minutes of peace and the bugger starts meowing. Sadie wakes up and asks whats that noise? I kick the basket over with my toes and the cat screeches out the basket and high tails it out the room. I blamed the cat fro knocking the basket over and guess who's not allowed in the room? Voldemort :D well, until Sadie finds out the truth and then it will be me on the couch.

That's that for the week. Looking forward to a long weekend although I have to work Saturday morning.

Wednesday 24 July 2013

Bongani's Boot Camp

Sadils has joined a boot camp and not wanting to be out done I decided to join a bunch of mates and go on Monday. Sadils had to work last minute so I went alone. I made my medical aid card visible to all just in case.
Bongani the instructor is built like a sprinter and has the size of melons. 
I was blown away by this guys friendliness, destroying all stereotypes of what trainers are like. As a warm up we walked around a field. We Walked. For a warrior like myself, really. Time to show all the mere mortals what I'm made of. he he he. We stepped it up a bit with some running drills. Running drills, really, that's all I talk about is running. Really. Mere mortals, hope you all watching because this is how a warrior trains. To continue with the warm ups we did some type of skipping which for those that know me you will know I have the co-ordination of a blind penut trying to escape its shell. Then again I am a warrior not a bladdy balarina, we'll let this one slide. 
Warm up complete, good I'm ready to show these mortals I can handle anything.
Think of cones set up 10m apart. Run to the first, pump your arms, second squats, third lunges, fourth burpees, fifth plank.
"15 minutes, GO!" Bongani goes from smiling fire fighter by day to stern fitness coach in a matter of seconds.
Holy (four letter word I may not publish due to the fact my Grandmother reads this blog) this is tough! I'm sure Bongani is shouting words of encouragement but all I hear is my lungs failing, heart straining under the new limits its reaching. I look across to Cands and Row, they all look fresh and have smiles on their faces. Really? I take a deep breath and act cool. All in a days work for a warrior like me. Ja right. 
Did I mention we had to do sprints after completing each circuit. Yinna.
I soon fade into the mist of pain and 15 minutes later I'm barely alive but feeling good.
It's the funny thing about exercise. You can push until you vomit and feel great afterwards, drinking is backwards.
After putting all my vital organs back down my throat I see all the mortals chatting as if nothing happened. Shit, maybe I'm delusional. Like the Luxenbourg wrestling champion who only made the Olympic team 'cos he beat his sister having to take on the Russian champion who beat half the Soviet Union and single handedly stopped the Cold War by wrestling both sides nukes back into their silo's. 
Maybe I have illusions of greatness as I haven't gone out there and competed. Spending too much time sorting my Hunger Games quick escape pack out (the dirty mags are still in their plastics so don't tell Sadie I'm in the garage looking at naughty pictures).
Wait, that's Bullshit, I rock

Wednesday 17 July 2013

Something of everything

I had a good morning this morning. I went out with some British students who are doing a two week stint in "Africa". They basically just doing charity work and seeing how we do things. One of the projects they are doing is putting up a fence in a rural township. This fence is for a pre-primary school that was damaged from rain. Now when we think school we think big buildings, apples on desks, pesky teachers and sports grounds. Sadly not in this case. This is a prefab box no bigger than a shipping container. The "box" is in a families yard. Now that it has been destroyed another lady in the community has stepped in and has donated land in her own yard for the new school building. The only problem is there is no fence to keep the kids in. That's where we stepped in.
It was really nice to get out and watch people do good. There where 16 students half male half female. It was so cool to watch the enthusiasm knowing they where doing good clearing a fence line, but not knowing how to use a spade. Felt good to pass on some of the knowledge of the Snowbeast.

Back to the fitness regime. 

On Monday I went to Hiltons place for some boxing. We didn't get to klap each other but hit bags instead.
I always thought if push comes to shove i could teach that laaitie a lesson, but after seeing him smash a bag I'm glad he's my brother. He's a forced ally. Sneaky. It looks pretty easy. Just smash the bag and go mental. Unfortunately not. Not only do you punch a bag, you have to focus on form as if you hit wrong say cheers to your wrist.
Being a warrior I thought I had this but it is a crazy intensity work out. 
I felt really good the next morning and realised I am lucky the Hunger Games hasn't started yet. As muck as I think I am a warrior, I'm really ill prepared. All I have is a fast exit bag and a couple dirty mags. I'm more like a dooms day prepper minus the cases of baked beans, Why they choose beans I don't know. Living in a bunker you better not light a match or I can guarantee you'll all be crisper than a piece of bacon in a second.

Now my workouts are as distracted as my blog posts. I just realised I went from boxing to farting in a confined area in a couple of lines. I need help.

On the other hand Poodle reckons I'm the bomb. She crawled up to me in bed this morning and I put my hand down to scratch her. I felt a knot on her shoulder so I massaged it. She stood up and sat next to me as if to say, "carry on, What you looking at fatty". I started to massage again and she suddenly lost control of herself and was leaning into it to the extent I had to support her head as it was dropping all over the place.
When I was done she happily followed me around like best mates and even showed emotion as I left for work. MAN UP POODLE! Shit man, I can't go charging into the Hunger Games with a doting Poodle charging after me. Stick to the plan, you there to lure Bow and Arrow Chick into striking distance of the elusive Snowbeast then you free to go. Find a home in the wild and hunt in packs, although any animal will buckle over laughing if they saw a pack of Toy Poodles running at them. Be like being attacked in Toys R Us by the Teddies.

Hope you all have a lekker week.

Dads blog will be updated today (
I also wrote an article on where to start in the art of cocktail making for

Wednesday 10 July 2013

Reminising and a big party

My folks arrived safely back into S.A after a trek through Zimbabwe. So stoked 'cos I get to spend a weekend in Winterton. I miss the fresh air and open spaces. I feel constricted and suppressed in a city. A city is no place for a warrior, especially this one.

I once again have this urge to go out and "fetch" dinner from the wild. Like as kids we would trek up to good family friends' berg cottage and spend the weekend fly fishing for trout. We used to go up with the Greens once a month.
That is how us Humans should live. Wake up just before sunrise, one of the parents would make coffee and we'd sit outside on the verandah watching the first signs of the morning sun silhouetting the Drakensberg in a reddish pink.
Slowly the valley begins receive it's first light and the three dams at the bottom reflect the pink sky. Being twelve years old it feels great when us MEN grab our rods and head down the valley silently to stalk our prey. By mid morning we would have caught a couple Rainbow Trout and kept just enough for breakfast, releasing the rest.
It would be the job of  us younger "men" to clean the fish and throw the bits back into the water to feed the fish for next time.
The folks would stuff the empty belly with butter, onions, lemon slices and herbs and we would chuck the fish on a braai and let it cook. Now that is a breakfast for a champion in the making.

I'm either getting fit or old. Saturday night something weird possessed us and we hit the town, HARD. Wow, all I remember is constantly having a drink in my hand and somebody kept wanting to talk to me that I didn't want to talk to. The rest of the time I was being awesome.
All fun and games, but when I woke up the next morning it felt as if somebody was playing a game of tennis in my head. I was super "dizzy" when I stood up and nauseous. Yoh, I haven't hung like this ever. My eyes hurt, I was even stiff from dancing so hard. What a waste of a day. I woke up for an hour and went straight back to bed just because I couldn't take the pain of hanging. Note to self, don't get fit and go party. Shit goes downhill fast.
So much so my runs have left me smelling like a brewery.

That been said we are not going clubbing again. It's no joke I have not felt this unwarriorish in years. 
Lesson learnt, I'll running harder this week.
Oh crap, talking about this week I might have told Kelly I would join her and her friends at a boot camp. Eff, this could pose a problem. I'm still weak from Saturday night. What if i puke in front of a chick. I can't do that. I'd look weak and no longer be an alpha male. That will not happen. I think the only reason Sadie digs me is because I am an alpha male. 
We have a problem, I'm gonna stop writing and start Googling the safety issues regarding swallowing cement. That should harden me up long enough so I don't throw up. We'll worry about the rest in the morning.

Some cool reading - A dinner club we started, Cands ( may I say Cands or must it be Candice?) started. Cool recipes coming - Dads Blog, covering his trip to Zim at the moment - Hilts Blog - he came 3rd elite at KZN Champs this weekend.

Wednesday 3 July 2013

Maybe I'm a Master Chef in hiding

I always thought I was a kick ass chef, thought I could rustle up a three course meal with a can of bully beef, beans and eggs. It was actually three meals as a student, not a three course meal. These where usually made as we got home from clubbing. Breakfast and a beer, watching the sun rise, life was easy then.

My cooking experience started late. As a boarder and a son to an amazing cook, there was never any need to cook. Only when I moved to Ixopo and the next year onto a farm by myself did I ever really have to cook for myself. I didn't do too badly and most of my experiments tasted bladdy good. 
First week I'm dating the Sadils I decide to cook her a meal. We head off to an open air market in a dodgey area of town. I buy a fish which had its head and insides removed in front of us, some tomatoes, "real gravy soaker" potatoes and some onions.
My idea was to layer potatoes at the bottom, place the fish on top and stuff it with tomatoes and onions. The potatoes should go soft and absorb all the juices and melted butter. Worked out beautifully. I tasted and plated up to my very new girlfriend. She started and slowed down very fast while I was quickly acting tidy. Wowee can Sadie talk I remember thinking. I didn't notice she wasn't eating - the sly fox.
I had a mouthful and eff! The fish was off. Honestly, it tasted like a piece of meat that had been dragged at the bottom of the Ganges River in India. I Panicked, WTF, new girlfriend and this tastes like shit. I quickly took the plate from her and went redder than my tomatoes. Thank the Pope for cities and fast foods. She ended up with a burger and chips, Bruce you romantic beast.

Watching Masterchef on PVR last night I realised man alive, maybe I'm not so hot. They gave these people a chicken, CAPERS, bone marrow, bread crumbs, some white cheese, asparagus, something I dont remember and just said "Ypur one hour starts now, cook." Yinna! They had to use Everything! I would freeze. Capers only belong on a pizza, marrow needs to be roasted and asparagus needs to be blanched and eaten with mayo. To eat them any other way is like ordering a British Racing Green Ferrari. 
I would reckon getting a couple of palookas like myself together and getting them to cook up a storm would be a helluva show. People with no clue throwing stuff together. I see the Judges life cover premiums going up. End up calling it Starvation Games, nobody will want to touch the food.

Any ways, back to the fitness thing. The running is going well, I'm running shorter distances but at a higher intensity ( basically I wobble quicker) as it gets dark towards the end of my run fast.
Sadie is running twice a day and Poodle doesn't like me too much so she spends her day chilling with Sadie. It's probably 'cos Sadie doesn't stuff socks in her mouth and place her in the wash basket. Dam traitor. If you gonna hang with a warrior expect the unexpected.

Hope you all have a great week.

Wednesday 26 June 2013

50th Blog Post

Crap, have you seen the time. I have a blog post due in 2hr45min. Been pounding out Goverment tender quotes all morning and my brain is mush.

Last week I was preparing to tackle Sadie (for legal purposes I mean tackle her in a competitive non violent way) in a run.
Well, we've done one together and a few alone. To report back there was no winner. 
We started the run with a walk to warm up. Sadie got it in her mind she was an olympic power walker and I spent the first 500m trying to swallow my heart. Horrific feeling I tell you. The jog felt good and I got a good rythym. My slightly longer legs make me a little quicker and I had fun running next to her changing speeds just do make her cross. Mission successful. Klap over the head to prove it. Just before half way I decided to tease Sadie a bit, telling her she's slow and poodle could out run her. I didn't stop. Sadie got fed up and said "Catch me if you can" and BOOM, she was gone. Full on canter down Dulwitch road and up the other side. I caught up to what I thought was her because at that stage I could see stuff all. My vision had gone, my heart was in my throat and my lungs where busy collapsing. We ran side by side trying to secretly kill each other. I think our bodies synched because all of a sudden we where both walking. In unison we both glanced sideways at each other and started to Olympic power walk. I don't really know what happened from there. Stuff that was I losing to a chick and by the look on Sadies face she now reads my blog and knows somewhere on the property there are dirty magazines lurking about. Weirdest thing ever happened. We seemed to have worked out all the aggression and ended up encouraging each other. United in one goal. To get fit and funky. Shit, that's soppy!

So it's Sadies birthday tomorrow. I guess I'll buy her a cool book. That way she won't watch T.V and I can jol Xbox while she reads. That's what being a warrior is about. Being Smart.
A tradition is you have a family supper together so now I have to think of a cool meal to cook her. I don't see this as a challenge at all. I love cooking. I actually started a food blog a day before this one. I just enjoyed this one a bit more and haven't had the time to update the food blog.
If you want to send her a Happy Birthday message you can mail me (read that as please do so I don't get a klap over the ears) and I'll pass it on.

Something interesting. My dad has started up a blog. Yip, it's a family affair now. Just waiting for mom to start.
Dads blog is He is currently in Zimbabwe doing a ride for Wild dog awareness. As important as saving the Rhinos are it has taken the spotlight off a lot of other endangered animals like the Wild dog. This ride isn't a sponsor me so I can go on holiday ride. My folks and the other members are paying their own way and whatever is raised is donated to the Wild dogs.
As he gets wifi he will e-mail or update his blog.

Have a great week friends. Writing this has put me in a good mood and that's why I love blogging.

Made it on time, what a warrior.

Wednesday 19 June 2013

Have to Beat Sadie and buying dirty mags

Has anybody seen the date? We halfway through the year already, or somewhere around there.
Sadie and I are going for an afternoon jog this afternoon. I am NOT taking the bladdy pooches. It's too cold to stop every 5m for billy to spray whatever is fixed to the ground. Today especially they are ban. I haven't ran with Sadie in a while and I have a sneaky suspicion she is stronger than me. I think on the sly she has been training. Waiting for the day I ask her to join me on a run. Waiting to show me whose boss again and I can't lose to a chick, especially my chick. It just hammers my confidence. I can just imagine mornings in our house. Sadie: "Babe, please make me some coffee". Me: "Arguah arguah - Sleeping, tis cold". Sadie " Coffee or I'll beat you......... AGAIN". Nought, this is not happening. I will win today even if I die when I finish, I'll die a winner. 
Sport is the only way you can beat your chick.................... Legally (I pray Sadie doesn't read my blog)

Away from shallow victories and onto serious threats. Hunger Games and their timing.

So centuries ago, the Mayans made a plan that December 21 2012 the world will end and the Alpha males will fight it out to see who is superior. This superior being will carry the human race forward. Populating the world with his genetically superior genes. In a nutshell it's like Facebook friend culling, you keep the friends who post pool party pics and delete the ones who are only there to see how cool you pretend your life is on Facebook. 
So those who didn't wish me happy birthday last year, be warned, the Snowbeast is angry ;)
I am worried that the organisers of the Hunger Games can't keep time, we 6 months late. I mean Justin Bieber was 2 hours late for a UK concert and was fined thousands of Pounds and had reports written that he was going off the rails.
Poor guy, When I was thirteen I didn't even own a watch.

My Hunger Games box is growing, it now has the two dirty mags I need to distract bow and arrow chicks stalker. It was awkward  as hell buying them. I went to the mall and decided this will be the last place in hell I will buy these from. You surrounded by decent people doing their own thing and the minute you touch them the mall goes quiet, everything goes in slow motion and everybody stares at you like you walking around with a dead raccoon in your hands. So I went to a place of ill repute. I charged in and placed my cash on the table and blurted out. "Two dirty mags please". The salesman pointed towards racks and racks of these things. The choice was mind blowing. So to skip the details I picked up two with people on the cover who look similar to Bow and Arrow chick. If I'm going to drive a wedge in this mans side I'm going to make sure it hurts...... A LOT.
My mind is now scarred. I have left the mags in their plastic sheets just in case Sadils finds them. I'll have more of a leg to stand on if they sealed - I hope.


Tuesday 11 June 2013

Dirty mags and Kids

Right, so exams are over and it's time to start blogging again.
Much better than exams in my humble opinion.

Back to the immanent threat of The Hunger Games. Chatting to a mate I have one problem. What if they throw me into the gauntlet with kids like Rue from the Hunger Games? Yinna, I'm a warrior but not a murderer. Maybe I'll take some chloroform with me. Like the old pick up line, (presenting a hankie from your pocket) "excuse me miss, does this smell like chloroform to you". It's a knock out. 
So the kids will get chloroformed and removed to a safe place. Maybe I'll chain them to the kitchen and when I get back to my cave after a successful day of hunger gaming the little tykes will have a meal prepared form me. Dam straight, that is how a snowbeast rolls. BOOM!!
Wait, what if the little shits conspire to kill me and poison my food. Crap, I didn't think of that. I might have to cut their tongues out and remove any limbs they don't need. 

Whoah, maybe a little excessive considering I am trying not to hurt a little kiddie.
I'll come back to this thought, I hope I have time to sort it out before a face bow and arrow chick and her little side kick.
As for her lover, He seems a little desperate. Chasing her around like a lost puppy. I think what nobody realises is he's secretly trying to see where she's showering. Thinking with the wrong head mate! I'll throw some dirty mags out and bop him on the head as he picks them up. Problem solved. 
Where do i get these mags and how? If Sadils sees my card statement or finds whats really in my Hunger Games stash she might send me to a quack to sort my Alpha male brain out. 
Imagine walking into the garage and finding a back pack with a bushman bow and arrow, two butcher knives her Granddad used to own, matches, a tent and a bunch of dirty mags. Yinna, I'll get the frying pan.......... AGAIN.

The Poodle reckons we mates now. It's partially 'cos Charmaine  gave her a haircut and Sadie is insisting on tying a triangular scarf on her so she looks country and western. Poor thing, comes with it's tail between it's legs and looks at me like I'm the only normal thing in the household. I'll take her on my side, for one reason. Chicks dig Poodles. I'll set her free around bow and arrow chick and when she bends over to pick the bladdy thing up, BAM, she gets it. 

Hope you all have a great day......

Wednesday 29 May 2013

Mr O is in the house

The other morning on 5fm I heard the American President Barrack Obama will be coming to South Africa for a visit. This makes my heart happy. Wherever Mr Obama goes so does the media. Finally the first world will realise Africa is a massive continent made up of smaller countries that do exist. We will no longer just be "from Africa", we can finally be proudly South African. I can only imagine he'll arrive on Airforce one and will have to land at O.R Tambo like the rest of the world (apart from our friends the Gupta's). Mr Zuma must be excited. I remember the excitement of friends and family coming from a far to stay. They always bought cool gifts. I can just imagine Parliament rubbing their greedy little hands together at the announcement thinking what gifts will the People from the wicked west bring for us Comrades. 
I see Mr Obama as a humble man, he'll probably get the First Lady to bake a humble apple pie to thank Mr Zuma for his hospitality. Once realised that there are no luxury 4x4's, replacement jewellery for Mrs Zuma #2 or even US Dollars, cabinet will go on the rampage. Burning tyres and promising to go on a strike and halting their departments. This doesn't scare a warrior like me, they don't do anything anyway. We'll just have to put up with burning tyres and street dancers like we do any ways. If I had my way I'd have Mr Obama stay in rural areas with no running water or electricity like Hilton or Mpolweni. This way he will see the real South Africa. We not all about riding lions to school and hunting animals for supper. We are a real country. We are a proud nation that just puts up with all the lack of service delivery.
Here's a cool fact, Mr Obama brews his own beer. How cool is that. We have the most powerful man in the world who enjoys a good 'ol brew. That's respect.

As you can see I'm not really in a good mood, complaining like a whiney prat. I think it's the withdrawal symptoms from lack of exercise. I'm busy writing exams so my study time has increased and my running and cycling has decreased. It's almost over tho. Soon I'll be back to being awesome and kicking all of your butts. BOOM. Confidence in motion (Sorry Subaru, I stole your catch phase). 
As of next week Friday this warrior will be in an intense post exam training schedule. Eating like a rabbit and soaring like an eagle. I hate rabbit food but it must be done. Lose a kilo or eight, put some lean muscle on and I'll be back in the running for Hunger Games champ. Bow and arrow chick, you're mine!

Have a great week all :)

Wednesday 22 May 2013

Hi guys,
I have to humbly apolagise for a lack of a blog post today.
I have two exams this week and the real world took preference.
I do have  one in the pipe line and will pt it asap.
Follow me on twitter for an update on when it'll be posted ( @snow_beast)

Wednesday 15 May 2013

Mother Nature you heartless .........

Mother Nature doesn't smaak me at all! Last week I wished I would get properly sick and just get this bug over and done with. Once again mother nature took the challenge by the horns and on my free weekend she hit me with the man flu and to topple that it pissed down with rain. 
I'm not going to blog about me being sick, it never helps to complain. It pushes you backwards if anything.

This has given me the idea I need to get in touch with nature as Mother Nature seems to be a potential ally and a bladdy strong one at that.
I have this sudden urge to pick up my air rifle, fishing rod and a box of matches and head out into the wilderness to fend for myself. Just me and mother nature, chilling together like old tjommies. Hunting and gathering like my forefathers did. Judging by my size my forefathers must have been world champ foragers.
Sadie thinks I'm nuts and wont survive out there. The way I see it we are all entitled to our own opinion, even if it is wrong.
I'm just not keen on the whole toilet thing. After a full day running around doing hunter gatherer things I then have to dig a pit, do my thing then find a waterfall for a shower, jump out build the fire I should have built before my shower, warm up a bit and immediately smell like a smoked sausage. Yoh, I'm thinking twice about this whole outdoors thing. Maybe just be an indoor bunny hugger. Jol Xbox and when the time comes I'm gonna join the bunch of hypocrites waving slogans around like "SAVE THE TREES" printed on cardboard. For those who don't know card board is made from trees. Yip, never thought of that did you? I don't wanna listen to the whole sacrifice one tree to save the rest junk. When Hunger Games start I'm gonna sacrifice their lilly white asses if they feel so strongly about it.

Sadils impressed me the other day. While I was feeling sorry for myself she came home late from work and pounded out a 30min sesh on the treadmill. She's now leading from the front with the fitness thing. I need to follow.
I kinda, mighta told the lady who measured me up (only jacket size, I promise) I was a whole pants size smaller for Mandy and Daves wedding. The idea here is to motivate me to lose the extra pants size and keep on my quest to be fit and funky. This won't be hard when Sadie gets into it. She'll kick my ass and drag me up and down mountains.

So another week of inactivity and I'm feeling terrible. I can't wait to run and ride agai. I reckon it's gonna be a difficult start, but non the less I'm going at this next week like a bull in Pampelona.