Tuesday 20 November 2012

I got owned, by my chick!!

I would have liked to have started my entry by saying I went for a run with Mike and Sadie, but the best way to describe it is I started with them.

Their warm up was short then it was running time, pretty brisk but I kept up, followed by a short rest and another burst. My knees started hurting but I kept up, stuff that if a chick beats me. Especially my chick!! Quick rest and another burst. This is starting to get ridiculous, I'm now tasting blood and a bit of this mornings All Bran. I fall back a bit. When Sadie asks if I'm ok I pretend I'm stretching. In actual fact I'm trying to re-swallow breakfast and any body organ thats popped up to say hi. 
Yinna! I thought I was a weapon, I'm a bloody water pistol!
All this X-box and take out has killed my body, I really should have looked after myself before the end of the world.
Tears aside this gets me more determined to kill the flab. 

I soldier on, thinking of what foods I need to cut out of my day. I don't eat badly in truth, but when I do eat I eat a crapload.

When I get home they all playing with the Poodle, I remember her Billy shower from yesterday and it cheers me up a bit :)

O ja, my boets gonna help me a bit with my eating.
Have a look at his blog, he's super serious with his cycling.

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