Thursday 29 November 2012

No Motivation.

Man oh man this exercise thing takes it out of you.

Sadie and my Dad tell me it takes two weeks to form a habit, thats Today. For one I am waking up earlier and kinda getting out of bed faster but it's not easy.
I guess I am at the fork in the road. I can give up, hit snooze and carry on with my life and die with the rest. If Bow and arrow chick doesn't kill me my health will. The other road, the road to glory is a much tougher road. On paper people always choose the tougher road, we all know if you carry on on that path your reward is greater so naturally everybody picks it and most fail. I can't fail ,my failure will be public like Justin Biebers relationship with that skinny chick. We all know 14 year olds shouldn't be in relationships tho.
Bieber aside, I need motivation.

To make it harder I just checked my facebook to see how wonderful everybody is making there mundane lives sound and saw an invite to Herbs 21st. It's a pool party theme, yip, that means i need to take my shirt off and the last time I did that Kingsmead cricket ground gave me the contract to be their side screen for the year.

Life's not easy being a warrior in training. Somebodies got to do it and I guess it's me.

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