Thursday 15 November 2012

Poodle Learns a Lesson

04:10 The poodle is securely tied up, sock in its mouth and in the laundry basket.

04.35 Alarm goes off peacefully, I wiggle whats left of my toes and doze off peacefully, it's raining outside. Some days you are the statue and some days you are the bird, today Poodle my friend, you are the statue.

I wake up with the reality dawning on me, there isn't time to snooze, the end of the world is near.
Off I go in the rain, like a real man.

I'm starting to love the cool mornings. It would have been a wonderful sport to do if the world wasn't ending so soon. I would use it to clear my mind and plan my day but I've left it to late. Instead I focus my mind on becoming the ultimate warrior, the best I can be.

I run around the last corner air punching and feeling great, this exercise thing rocks!! I Shaved two minutes off my personal best. down to 26 minutes.

12:00 Sadie phones in hysterics, she cant find her Poodle anywhere! O SHIT

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