Tuesday 27 November 2012

Monday, Bloody Mondays

Wow these Mondays sneak up on you like Michael Jackson at a sleep over.
Bit of a weekend recap.

Got home from work on Saturday afternoon and crashed. All the warrior in me faded, I crashed onto my bed and slept the whole day. These early mornings are not for the feint hearted.

"Wake up! Wake up!" Sadie has decided my warrior nap is now over. She opens the door and unleashes the Poodle. Poodle nibbles my feet and licks my face. She brings me her toy sheep. Apparently we are now friends. I'm going to need all the allies I need. Welcome abroad Poodle.

Rugby and a braai always goes down a treat - enjoyed one of my last braais.

The next day Sadie, Cousin Kath and Nicky did the Capital K. Geez it was cold, we sat on the sideline in the cold rain waiting for the girls to finish. They all finished under 30min which was great.

Frozen we made our way home to be greeted by my new friend, the Poodle. I'm still unsure about this friendship, the fact I can't see her eyes makes me uneasy.

Well here's to a good week, hopefully get some serious training in and pray Sadils doesn't kick my butt.

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